Saturday, April 16, 2011

India To Send 2 Member Team To Confirm Identity Of Abdul Rauf

India To Send 2 Member Team To Confirm Identity Of Abdul Rauf

India will soon be sending a two member team – one officer each from RAW and CBI to Chile to confirm the identity of an arrested man who is supposed to be Abdul Rauf, one of the financers behind hijacking of Indian Airlines IC-814. According to CBI, it has received information from Chilean authorities about the detention of Rauf who is supposed to be one of the financers of the whole operation behind hijacking of IC-814.

CBI has said that fingerprints of the man detained have been sent by the CBI, but since the same or any photographs is absent hence it is difficult to confirm whether the person is Rauf or not.

It is to be noted that Rauf is the brother of Maulana Masood Azhar, one of the most wanted terrorists in India. Azhar was one among 3 terrorists who was exchanged for the safe release of the passengers of IC-814. Azhar is the founder of militant group Jaishe-e-Mohammad and it is believed that Rauf is now heading the organization after Azhar went underground.

Meanwhile CBI has said that Rauf was also giving instructions to the hijackers and also managed the entire operations. The Interpol has issued a red corner notice against Rauf who also called up one of the conspirators Abdul Latif to inform BBC officials, giving them details regarding the hijacking.


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